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Download Now: The Surfpunk Game You've Been Waiting For—But There's a Twist!

Surfpunk is an action RPG with hardcore surfing and combat in vibrant, procedurally generated islands. Join your friends, cast off against the creatur
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Surfpunk the game
All image from Steam

Surfpunk: The Ultimate Surf-and-Slash Adventure Coming Soon!

Gear up, gamers! Double Stallion Games, known for their innovative indie titles, is proud to present their next game: Surfpunk. This action RPG will transport players to a vibrant, otherworldly, tropical paradise with waves just ripe for surfing and deadly dangers lurking around every corner.

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Surfpunk throws players into the adrenaline-laden life of a Raider. Equipped with your trusty Rushboard, your task is to cut through The Fallen World's ancient ruins while fighting mysterious, ink-like monsters: the Sumi. Your goal? Secure as much loot as possible and escape before these lurking terrors catch you.

Surfpunk preview2

Crush 'n Rush!

Players in Surfpunk join a heart-pumping battle while surfing through a vibrant, moving tropical setting. Victory lies in securing Evress, an ancient power source through which Raider life is brought to life. Band together with allies, discover your favorite armaments, and devise ways to outsmart the Sumi, who pursue without reprieve. The more time out seeking, the more aware the Sumi are of your existence. Decide wisely, determine rapidly, and push yourself to the limit to fill your barge with treasure before it's too late!

Shred Together

Why surf alone when you can shred the gnar with your buddies? Surfpunk puts an all-new spin on co-op gameplay as you team up with up to four players. Work out strategies together and watch each other's backs to maximize your loot haul. Teamwork is necessary, and with some friends at your side, those big haul odds are in your favor.

Changing Tides

No two adventures in Surfpunk are alike, as procedurally generated islands present fresh challenges with each raid. This strikingly bold, bright, tropical environment is simply full of hidden treasures and unexpected encounters with endless exploration in the game. Moreover, every expedition gives a new chance to discover The Fallen World's secrets.

Surfpunk preview

Key Features

  • Hack-and-Slash Extraction: Hop on your Rushboard and join fast-paced action to loot pricelessly valuable Evress from ancient ruins.
  • Shred Together: Gear up with fellow Raiders for co-op session-based PvE raids against the relentless Sumi.
  • Dynamic Tropics: Dive into procedurally generated islands in a gorgeously rendered tropical setting. No raid is ever the same!
  • Shoreline Swagger: Customize your Raider with unique equipment and abilities that amplify your action and traversal potential.
  • In-Run Crafting: Improvise and adjust as needed – craft key gear during your missions themselves.

System Requirements


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Processor: Dual-Core 3.00 GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 1060 or Radeon RX 570
  • Storage: 4 GB available space


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Processor: Quad-Core 3.00 GHz
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce RTX 2060 or Radeon RX 5600
  • Storage: 4 GB available space

How to Download Surfpunk: Fast Track Download Guide

Although the official date of release for Surfpunk remains cloaked, there's no lack of excitement.

While the release date is yet to be announced, you will soon be able to plunge into this overly adventurous journey on Steam. Here's how you can be prepared for the launch and secure your place at the top of the queue to surf the waves of Surfpunk!

How to Download Surfpunk on Steam

  1. Steam Installation:

    If you have not installed it yet, then you need to have the Steam client on your PC. From the Steam website, download the Steam client compatible with your Operating System. Then install it with the instructions that come along to set it up on your PC.

  2. Create a Steam Account:

    Log in with your Steam account. If you are not a member yet, create an account. Just click "Join Steam" and follow the setup guide. Otherwise, log in with your e-mail and password.

  3. Search for Surfpunk:

    Sign in, then using the Steam search bar at the top of the client, search for "Surfpunk." As that game shows up in the search, click its title to be taken to the store page of the game.

  4. Add to Wishlist:

    To be updated on Surfpunk, automatically knowing when it is available for download, follow this: On the store page of the game, click "Add to Your Wishlist." This way, you'll get their notifications or updates regarding the release of a game like that.

  5. Keep Yourself Updated:

    Keep your email and Steam notifications on high alert for any updates, which might include the release date of Surfpunk. You may also follow Double Stallion Games for further news and announcements on social media.

  6. Prepare for Launch:

    When Surfpunk is released, Steam will let you know. Then, just head over to the store page and click "Download" to get started. Make sure your PC meets system requirements so you can ride the waves with a smooth experience.

Pro Tip:

You can even join the community forums or social media pages of the game. Very often, these resources include some useful information about release updates, special promotions, or an opportunity to connect with other Raiders who would literally be dying for this moment.

Now, get ready to ride the waves, fight the Sumi, and discover the ever-changing world of Surfpunk. Now, keep your eyes peeled for an official release date, and we shall see you soon in The Fallen World! 🏄‍♂️🏄

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About the Author

Hey there! I'm Sayaf, a curious soul exploring fun and fascinating topics. Join me on this adventure of creativity and excitement!

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